(Photo Credit: Tim Hanna)
With funding from the SPRA Framework in Action Grant, the Town of Rosthern completed a Community Recreation Needs Assessment. This project aligned well with four out of the five Goals of the Framework, including Goal 1: Active Living, Goal 2: Inclusion and Access, Goal 4: Supportive Environments and Goal 5: Recreation Capacity.
During the winter of 2020, the Town Council determined that a Community Recreation Needs Assessment was necessary in order to gather input and provide direction for the Rosthern Recreation & Community Development Department’s short- and long-term planning.
The assessment was timely because the Town was going to be assuming ownership and operation of the Community Multipurpose Centre (previously used as the elementary school gymnasium). This indoor facility would allow the Town to increase capacity for programming and events.
Guylaine Green Consulting was contracted to lead the Community Recreation Needs Assessment. Three different surveys were developed to ensure input was collected from a variety of demographics. Surveys were launched in early April and collected at the end of May. The surveys were well received, and many respondents indicated they were very thankful for the opportunity to provide input.
The data collected will be very valuable in making well-rounded and community-minded decisions concerning recreation services for years to come.
The Framework for Recreation in Canada
The Framework for Recreation in Canada is the guiding document for public recreation providers in Canada.
You can download the Framework in English and French here.
The SPRA Framework in Action Grant
Supported through funding by Sask Lotteries, the Framework in Action Grant aims to support SPRA member initiatives that advance the goals and priorities identified within The Framework for Recreation in Canada 2015 – Pathways to Wellbeing. Initiatives will show alignment with one of the goals of the Framework and can be local, regional or provincial in scope.
The next round of applications open February 18, 2022. To learn more and to apply please visit: https://www.spra.sk.ca/funding/spra-grants/
For more information, contact:
Dan Gallagher
Field Consultant
Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association