Your story matters. Whether you are a recreation director in a city or small community, a community volunteer, a small business owner, or a non-profit worker. No matter who you are, what your position is, or your level of experience, we want to hear from you. In doing so, we can share your experience, and learn from your successes and your challenges.
Telling these stories highlights the impact of recreation and parks on people and their communities, and helps people to understand the transformative power of our industry. After publishing some of your stories in the past year, we've heard from both the Government and news media wanting to know more about some of the amazing work that is happening in your communities. People care about the impact of what you do.
Each of these articles highlight the importance of individual and community wellbeing, and demonstrate the different ways that recreation and parks have the power to energize people and change lives in Saskatchewan.
Please give them a look, and consider sharing your story with us in 2021.
To learn more about how you can contribute to our Blog, send an email Christian Bates-Hardy, SPRA Communications Consultant, at
Thank you everyone who shared your story with us in 2020.