These negative thoughts and feelings create a barrier in our mind between what we wish we could be doing with the summer days vs knowing we have to work. These thoughts can impact the state of our mental health. Having distracting thoughts about the outdoors while at work can hinder our ability to excel at our job. Sustaining a strong mental health is an ongoing process of balancing our social, physical, spiritual, mental and economic life.
It seems that just by stepping
outside and taking in the fresh natural air and sunlight has a positive impact on our body, mind and soul. According to a 2009 study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, the closer you live to nature, the healthier you're likely to be. So what should we do? How can we fight against our own minds and enjoy our work day again? There are some easy tips and tricks to get outside in your everyday life but there are also things you can do while at work.
- During coffee breaks, round up some coworkers and take a walk around the block.
- Over lunch break, find a spot to eat outside
- Use up a holiday day to get outdoors- see the vacation as improvement of your mental state
The #1 way to beat the afternoon slump at work is to head outside into the daylight for 10 minutes. Don’t convince yourself that you are too busy to take a break, by getting your body up and moving outside; you will have a positive impact on your mental and physical state as well as improving your performance at work.
Remember, our health is comprised of both physical and mental. By keeping our mind at ease we are able to improve our working performance as well as keep ourselves healthy. For more information on Mental Health please visit the Canadian Mental Health Association Website.