SPRA is excited to welcome Lydia Zukewich to the SPRA Team for the summer!
We hope you get a chance to meet Lydia as she works with the Youth Engagement and Parks & Open Spaces portfolios over the next few months.
This position is funded through the CPRA Green Jobs program, a partnership of the Canadian Parks and Recreation Association and the Government of Canada’s Youth Employment and Skills Strategy Initiative.
Hello, my name is Lydia Zukewich, and I am joining the SPRA Team as the Youth Engagement and Parks Assistant this summer. I am currently attending Saskatchewan Polytechnic in the Recreation and Tourism Management program. I have always had a passion for supporting individuals through recreation and creating a positive environment for all.
When I am not working or attending school, you can find me participating in curling or softball, spending time with family and friends, or teaching spin. I am excited to be working with SPRA this summer and look forward to meeting everyone!
Welcome Lydia!
Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
#100-1445 Park Street
Regina, SK S4N 4C5