News & Events

SPRA would like to thank the Town of Battleford and the City of Battleford for hosting the 2024 Fall Facility Leaders Forum from September 9-13.

Most importantly, SPRA would like to thank over 15 communities for sending 36 of their Facility leadership and staff to attend the training.

Supporting the recreation industry with professional grade training is a huge benefit to our province.

Stay tuned for more information about the 3rd annual Fall Forum in early Summer.


Look for more information about registration later in Summer 2025. 

For More Information

For more information about the Fall Facility Leaders Forum, please contact:

Tim Hanna
Facilities and Training Consultant
Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association
Phone: (639) 638-4083

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  Upcoming Events

  • Forever…in motion Leader Virtual Training motion is an initiative that helps older adults become physically active through volunteer led physical activity groups.
  • Communities in Bloom Participation Workshop

    Opportunity for both potential and current participants of Communities in Bloom to learn about the program and network with each other.